Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Our first Date!

... Chad and I went out on our first date since Gavin was born 26 months ago. Yes you just read that right! We have gone out three times before but this was our first official date alone. The first time we were out was when Gavin was four months old. We went to have my wisdom teeth removed so I don't think that counts as a date. The next two times would be to see the Tran Siberian Orchestra. But both times we went with Chad's parents and sister and her husband so they don't count either.

Chad's mom watched Gavin which didn't worry me at all. He is two now and as long as he is changed and given food he would be fine. No it was the week of cleaning so my MIL could come over that stressed me out. I am so afraid she will judge everything. I felt very judged by his family for the last two years. Chad says no to worry about it but there is always someone to judge me against. So I cleaned and cleaned and cleaned again. I was finally satisfied, or exhausted, with my cleaning.

The date was a wedding for Pete (Chad works with him) and his bride Sharon. The wedding was at 4pm at the Barn at Boones Dam. I had never been there before. It was amazing. The bride is from Scotland so they had a traditional Scottish wedding with Kilts and all. It was so different and beautiful. After the ceremony we went inside for cocktails and mingling. Then back out side for a candle lit dinner. Balzanos in Bloom (where the bride works as their catering organizer) catered the dinner. Ohh my goodness was the food amazing. There was salad, stuffed chicken, baked zitti, eggplant parm, veggie lasagna, potatoes, mixed veggies, stuffing, and I am sure there was more I just can't remember. Ohh and the cake WOW!!! Only a few guys from work were invited so that was really nice. They are all guys (and their wives/fiances) that I have met before and I think all have been to the house. They are hilarious, as is Chad, so the combo was great. After dinner we went back inside for MORE drinks and dancing. I am proud to announce I had three glasses of champagne, a glass of wine and half of Chad's fuzzy Nave. If you know me you know I haven't had a drink in 14 months and I needed one.

I told chad we needed to get married again so we could do everything they did. It was so nice to get out just the two of us even though we were with friends. Unfortunately we had to leave at 9:30pm because Chad had to get up at 4am to work the next day. I would have loved to stay longer. I can't wait until December 4th when we go to Wachovia to see Jeff Dunham alone.


ali said...

isn't the barn at boone's dam just awesome?! we were supposed to get married there!

i'm SO glad you guys had a night out by yourselves & had such a great time! i know you have an amazing marriage, but nights out always make things even better, don't they?!

Becky said...

They sure do. I know I am crazy that I never leave him. But choices are slim when it come to people to watch him. I wish he had great grandparents like most.