Tuesday, January 3, 2012

New Years Resolutions!

This could be an endless list I am sure! So I will limit myself to 20 things! Sounds like a lot but we will see! If you find yourself judging me when reading these then please unfollow me! :) I am a Mamma of three and these are all very real to me! :)

* Lose weight....
* Take my house back!
* Craft at least once a week for 2 hours
* Read two books a month
* Drink more water
* Stop caring what others think
* Limit my computer time
* Plan monthly menus
* Start running...or jogging...or wogging would even be an improvement
* Work out at least 4 days a week
* Keep the inside of my car clean
* Declutter
* Go on a date at least once every 6 weeks
* Go out with friends at least once every 6 weeks
* Play outside with my kids more (when the weather allows)
* Don't go to bed unless the toys are picked up and down stairs vacuumed
* Eat dinner at the table more often
* Start saving money
* Beautify the outside of my house!

I am sure I will think of others but that is my 20 item start! Wish me luck!

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