Thursday, January 29, 2009

some common side effects include redness at the injection site.....

Seriously I feel like a pin cushion. Poor Chad has to do the dirty work too. He was so excited Sunday. When I asked why he said because he didn't have to give me any more injections. I laughed and said "hun there is another box of 5 left". I felt so badly for him. But the doctor gave me the ok to stop them on Monday. Well those injections at least.
Ok let me go back a bit. Today is cycle day 13 and well CD 1-8 were pretty uneventful. Clomid CD 3-7 and Repronex injections (which are making me sick) CD 6-11. So I will start at CD9 (Friday). The mid cycle scan. You all know by know how that goes and well if you don't then you don't need to know. CD 9 was early for the scan but with the weekend we didn't want to chance missing ovulation. Follicles 14 on the Left and 14 & 15 on my Right. So I had to go back on Monday for another mid cycle scan. This time it was CD 12 and much closer to ovulation. Follicle's were 19 on the Left and 18 & 20 on the Right. Woohooo three really good follicles. The left doesn't count so we are just going by the right. My RE seemed very excited about that and even said "ohhh chance for multiples". That honestly scares the crap out of me. I am really not sure my uterus can hold two. I have always dreamed of an even number. So no one is ever left out of the buddy system. Who wants to ride the roller coaster alone? I know I am silly. But I will take what I can get and God will never give me more than he knows I can handle. So last night Chad had to give me my final injection (HCG) to make me ovulate in 36 hours. Tomorrow we will go for our second round of IUI.
I pray this is it.

(sorry this isn't more but Gavin is being miserable and I can't think straight)


ali said...

oh becky, i really hope this it too. then you would have the family you've dreamed of & you won't be going through all this nasty stuff. i wish i could make it easier for you. i really do.

as for even numbers----i came from an odd number & it was just fine! there are 3 seats in the back of a vehicle for a reason! fill'em up! hope all goes well & the injections are all over soon thanks to some good news!!

Becky said...

The IUI went well. 53 million. It was really neat to be able to watch it on the ultrasound machine. Last cycle they didn't use it. You could watch everything. I am in a ton of pain right now. My huge follicles are decending. It rarely hurts this bad. The pain will be over soon. It usually is only this bad for a couple hours. I hope that it is a good thing. I have to start progesterone on Friday. My levels were good last cycle but it can't hurt so better safe than sorry. Now we WAIT again!! 14 days. I may go mad.